penguin power
a few weeks ago we took a trip to omaru to observe some wildlife. we saw two types of penguins (blue and yellow-eyed) and a seal. the photos above are of the yellow-eyed penguins. these images were captured in the late afternoon, as they began to come ashore to nest for the night. the blue penguins tend to arrive later, usually after sunset. they are much smaller than the yellow-eyed birds and travel in groups (each group is called a "raft"). the movements of a raft of blue penguins reminded us of a swimming school of fish. after the little buddies are safe in their homes, they start talking to one another. their vocalizations range from a gurgling sound to something that sounds like a cat crying. they can be quite loud.
Returned From the Sea
by egroeg
The salt crusted upon my shell.
I am saturated of the senses,
a scent lingering with my self.
I am returned from the sea.
Strewn from out of the surf,
flung, unexpected upon firmness.
Surprising and surprised.
I am...returned...from the sea.
The course completed,
not lost, never-the-less found,
possessed again, handled,
Returned. I am, by and bye, see.
I am looking forward to your both return from the sea... : ) egroeg
Anonymous, at 16:14
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