cathedral cove
i went on a short hike in coromandel the other day. the trail was only about 5 kilometers long on a well worn track through a forest right on the edge of the south pacific. there were short detours off the main track down to various cliffs or beaches but the highlight was the cathedral cove.
in the past the cove consisted of two seperate beaches (each about 100 meters long) seperated by a giant rock face that juts out into the ocean. to get from one beach to the other you would have to either hike or swim around the large rock. but it just so happens that the rock is very slowly breaking apart and there is now a large tunnel that connects the two beaches. the tunnel, or the so-called cathedral, is about 30 meters long and maybe 10 meters tall at it's highest point. above is a picture from about halfway through the cathedral; below is just a picture of cool looking rock just off the beach.
you guys, these pictures are great. that top one is my new desktop wallpaper. keep 'em coming.
Anonymous, at 18:48
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