do you see an old shipmate out there? do you wonder what life mightve been like had you not dedicated yourself to digging such a large, purpose[less]ful hole?
tyson this picture reeks of coolness. just dont dip that beer for too long. a warm kiwi beer is like a greatest country hits cassette without the willie.
the bound stems just rocked a sweet show in st. paul, mn tonight. its was super fun to see them and hang out in the dressing room alongside amy sedaris, their stage mate. good show, good show. dane
della and tyson met in chicago. not long after, they left to wwoof their way through new zealand and visit australia before settling down in christchurch. then they took off for china. but now they live in berkeley.
do you see an old shipmate out there? do you wonder what life mightve been like had you not dedicated yourself to digging such a large, purpose[less]ful hole?
tyson this picture reeks of coolness. just dont dip that beer for too long. a warm kiwi beer is like a greatest country hits cassette without the willie.
the bound stems just rocked a sweet show in st. paul, mn tonight. its was super fun to see them and hang out in the dressing room alongside amy sedaris, their stage mate. good show, good show.
Anonymous, at 01:13
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