˜ apteryx wa

apteryx wa

we seem to be very peculiar long-term travelers. besides the obvious necessities such as clothing and toothpaste, i happen to have about 20 books, an assortment of rubic's cubes and other bulky puzzles i've been collecting here and there, and way too much electronic equipment such as spare computer batteries that apparently look like explosives when x-rayed.

and now della is including in her luggage a bunch of discarded wood with half-finished paintings on them. one of them is covered in birdpoo, which della originally "cordoned off" in order to avoid it when composing the rest of the painting - but ultimately these "highlights" overemphasize the birdpoo and draw the eye of anyone looking at the artwork.

so we get strange looks from the customs officials when they x-ray and search our bags.


  • One person's "Poo'" is as another person's "Tiger"! Try to be "Owl", secure your "Piglet" and humor "Eore" there in the upside down, backward and forwarded, "Christ' >100 acre woods"! Good luck, "do what you do best", and have "just a bit of honey" along the way. : ) egroeg

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14:42  

  • So, the flight from Austrailia to New Zealand must have had some interesting episodes.

    Nice to know that you now know what you have in your luggage...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11  

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