summer in the city/ back of my neck gettin' dirty and gritty
it's hot in melbourne. so hot we forgot to take pictures and write blogs. today we spent a few extra hours in the air conditioning and now we're back on track. here's what we've been doing: riding the free tourist tram around the city, visiting art museums, reading books, eating chicken, using exercise equipment, buying bananas(after an extensive price/quality comparison process), buying a dress(using the "banana method") and making reservations for a dracula-themed cabaret show, which we will be enjoying in an hour and a half.
You both look absolutely gorgeous, just like a globe trotting "007" movie poster! : ) egroeg
Anonymous, at 09:57
Love you both, you both look great! I like that dress!
Anonymous, at 15:35
how do you guys communicate with the locals there? i didnt think either of you spoke austrailiaish. do they respond to hand signals? i used the banana system and ended up with an apple...
Mitchell Hart, at 21:16
is that you mitchell hart?
it's reassuring to know that you're hooked into "the net".
as to your question, it turns out australasian is easier to pick up than french or spanish.
Anonymous, at 01:58
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