environmental art
i decided to make some art on the beach. in the spirit of andy goldsworthy, i used only natural materials (in this case, only things found washed ashore). i was careful not to disturb the fragile beach ecosystem and no plants or animals were harmed during the initial stages of artmaking. but the ecosystem turned out to be not so fragile. in fact, some of the inhabitants are rather aggressive; i was attacked by these hostile locals (ants and other unidentified insects) and forced to abandon my project prematurely. at this point, some ants were harmed. but don't feel sorry for those bullies. they started it.
those ants are just trying to fulfill their ant-y essense, della. if that means getting all up in your art, that's just how it is.
did you see any turtles on the beach? i like turtles.
Jamey Essex, at 08:43
mom, i was on the line. high tide going out.
jamey, i haven't seen any turtles, but there are lots of turtle nests roped off with yellow tape. many are scheduled to hatch any night now. (there are turtle clubs on the island. they keep track of the nests and watch out for the turtles.)
della, at 15:25
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